L. Lab Tools
N. Neuromapping
O. OOP Paradigm
P. 3D Printing
Q. Quantum Ph.
HTML: (Hypertext Markup Language) - standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.
XML: (Extensible Markup Language) - defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
CSS: (Cascading Style Sheets) - style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document.
RGB: Additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together to reploduce new colors.
JS: (Javascript) - allows you to implement complex features on web pages.
PHP: (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) - server side scripting language used to develop static/dynamic websites.
SQL: (Structured Query Language) - the standard and most widely used programming language for relational databases.
jQuery: Fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
RSS: Web feed that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format.
htaccess: powerful website file that controls high-level configuration of your website.
Bootstrap: CSS Framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites.
AJAX: (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) - allows asynchronous updates by exchanging data with the server behind the scenes.
JSON: (JavaScript Object Notation) - "self-describing" lightweight data-interchange format.
REGEX: (Regular Expression) - string of text that allows you to create patterns that help match, locate, and manage text.
OOP: (Object Oriented Programming) - programming paradigm that relies on the concept of classes and objects.
Bash: (Bourne Again Shell) Takes commands from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform.
Arduino: Open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.
AppleScript: Used to automate the actions of the Macintosh Operating System and many of its applications.
Python: General purpose and high level programming language.
Swift: Programming language for macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS and beyond.
ZSH: (Z Shell) - Command-line alternative to Bash w/ a greater online community.
MATLAB: (Matrix Laboratory) - matrix manipulations, simulations, machine learning, & works w/ other languages.
Code Igniter: Object-oriented PHP MVC framework used for developing web applications rapidly.
Laravel: Relational object-oriented PHP MVC framework used for developing web applications rapidly.
Resistor Code: Colored bands to quickly identify a resistors resistive value.
Perl: General-purpose programming language originally developed for text manipulation.
Ruby: Support for introspection, reflection and metaprogramming, as well as support for interpreter-based threads.
ASP.NET: Creates solutions based on HTML5, CSS, & JavaScript that are simple, fast, and can scale to lots of users.
Django: Open-source python web framework used for rapid development, pragmatic, maintainable, clean design, and secure websites.
Node.js: Platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications.
React: JavaScript library that specializes in helping developers build user interfaces, or UIs.
Angular: Platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript.
Typescript: Used to develop JavaScript applications for both client-side and server-side execution.
COBOL: Used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments.
Java: Used as the server-side language for most back-end development projects.
B: Almost extinct, having been superseded by the C language.
C: General purpose procedural programming language.
Objective-C: Object-oriented language which contains the concept of both procedural and object-oriented programming.
C#: Creates web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps, games, AI, machine learning & IoT.
C++: Used to develop operating systems, browsers, games, and works close to the hardware.
MicroPython: Used to program microcontrollers. (Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico, NodeMCU+)
CircuitPython: Simplifies experimenting and learning to program on low-cost microcontroller boards.
Symfony: Alternative to Node.JS, Ruby on Rails, Django..
ANSII: (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) - character encoding standard for electronic communication.
Binary: Base-2 number system that is made up of only two numbers: 0 and 1.
md4/md5: (Message-Digest) - secure cryptographic hash algorithm for authenticating digital signatures via 32 characters.
SHA-1/SHA-256: (Secure Hash Algorithm) - cryptographic hash function which takes an input and produces a 160-bit (20-byte).
QR: (Quick Response) - takes a piece of information from a transitory media and put it in to your cell phone.
Barcode: (Bar Code) - applied to products as a means of quick identification.
UPC: (Universal Product Code) - numerical code printed on retail product packaging to aid in identifying a particular item.