
Welcome to the matrix

Matrix Laboratory

MatLab: Language used by engineers, NASA, scientists & more for the following.

Applications (20)

Automated Driving Systems: Design, simulate, and test automated driving systems.

Computational Biology: Analyze, visualize, and model biological data and systems.

Control Systems: Design, test, and implement control systems.

Data Science: Explore data; build machine learning models; do predictive analytics.

Deep Learning: Data preparation, design, simulation, and deployment for deep neural networks.

Embedded Systems: Design, code, and verify embedded systems.

Enterprise & IT Systems: Use MATLAB with your IT systems.

FPGA, ASIC, & SoC Development: Automate your workflow — from software to hardware.

Image Processing & Computer Vision: Acquire/process/analyze media for algorithm development & system design.

Internet of Things: Connect embedded devices to the Internet and gain insight from your data.

Machine Learning: Train models, tune parameters, and deploy to production or the edge.

Mechatronics: Design, optimize, and verify mechatronic systems.

Mixed-Signal Systems: Analyze, design, and verify analog and mixed-signal systems.

Power Electronics Control Design: Design/implement digital control for motors/power converters/battery systems.

Power Systems Analysis and Design: Design and simulate electric grids and transportation systems.

Predictive Maintenance: Develop and deploy condition monitoring and predictive maintenance software.

Robotics: Design, simulate, and verify robotics and autonomous systems.

Signal Processing: Analyze signals and time-series data. Model, design, and simulate signal processing systems.

Test and Measurement: Acquire, analyze, and explore data and automate tests.

Wireless Communications: Create, design, test, and verify wireless communications systems.

Capabailities (21)

Agile System Development: Deliver software-enabled systems through rapid and continuous development with Simulink.

Algorithm Development: Design algorithms for desktop and embedded applications.

Cloud Computing: Run in cloud environments from MathWorks Cloud to public clouds including AWS and Azure.

Continuous Integration: Automatically build, test, package, and deploy MATLAB code and Simulink models.

Data Acquisition: Access data from many sources directly from MATLAB or Simulink.

Data Analysis: Explore, model, and visualize data.

Deployment: Use application deployment to share your MATLAB programs and Simulink Simulations.

Discrete-Event Simulation: Optimize complex processes and distributed systems.

Embedded Code Generation: Generate and verify embedded code for prototyping or production.

GPU Computing: Perform MATLAB computing on NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPUs.

HDL Code Generation & Verification: Explore/implement/verify FPGA, SoC, or ASIC designs without having to write HDL code.

Mathmatical Modeling: Develop and optimize mathematical models of complex systems.

Model-Based Systems Engineering: Design, analyze, and test system and software architectures.

Parallel Computing: Perform large-scale computations using multicore desktops, GPUs, clusters, grids, and clouds.

Physical Modeling: Expand your engineering capabilities with Simscape.

Projects: Organize your work, automate tasks and processes, and collaborate with your team.

Real-Time Simulation & Testing: Test control systems and signal processing algorithms on hardware in real time.

Report Generation: Design and Generate Word, PDF, HTML, and PowerPoint Reports.

System Design and Simulation: Model and simulate all parts of your system in one multidomain environment.

Variant System Design: Design, configure, and analyze variants with Model-Based Design.

Verification, Validation, and Test: Verify and validate embedded systems using Model-Based Design.

Industries (17)

Aerospace and Defense: Design, simulate, test, and deploy safety and mission critical systems.

Automotive: Design, Simulate, and Deploy Tomorrow's Mobility.

Biological Sciences: Model, simulate, and analyze biological systems.

Biotech & Pharmaceutical: Develop algorithms/process data/design devices/perform modeling & simulation for drug discovery/development.

Communications: Design and simulate communications systems.

Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences: Analyze and understand complex geological trends.

Electronics: Develop, simulate, and test electronics systems and devices.

Energy Production: Develop and implement models, analyze big data, and automate processes.

Industrial Automation and Machinery: Develop embedded control & signal processing applications for industrial & energy-related equipment.

Medical Devices: Design, simulate, & build next-generation medical devices while accelerating regulatory compliance.

Metals, Materials, & Mining: Analyze sensor data, implement control strategies, and create predictive maintenance systems.

Neuroscience: Process and analyze data, drive experiments, and simulate models of brain circuits.

Physics: Control experiments, acquire and analyze data, and compare with simulations.

Quantitative Finance & Risk Management: Import data, develop algorithms, debug code, scale up processing power, and more.

Railway Systems: Model, simulate, and optimize railway applications.

Semiconductors: Design analog, digital, and mixed-signal devices.

Software & Internet: Explore & analyze data, develop algorithms, & deploy applications for software & internet systems.

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